Who are we

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy

Sed lacinia lectus in nisi volutpat, in accumsan enim lobortis. Curabitur iaculis accumsan arcu, sed interdum velit volutpat non. Maecenas blandit nulla enim, sit amet ullamcorper mi malesuada et. Suspendisse potenti. Duis sed nisl non dolor gravida vulputate.

Sed elit ex, molestie ut molestie vel, venenatis eget augue. Vivamus commodo mauris at diam consectetur, vitae rutrum quam iaculis. Proin ut lacinia eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas leo tortor, interdum eget metus id, sagittis ultrices mauris.

What We Do

Through years of operation and development, we are proud to be
the training center specializing in prestige in the market

A religion African

The high-profile pastor lost followers, his church building, money and prestige.

Class marriage life

But things began to change in the late 1990s. Mr. Pearson, who was ordained in the.

Charity for families

The charity, Bishop Eddie Long Ministries Inc., provided him with at least $3.07 million in.

Foster and training

Three years later, in another interview with The News, he went further. He said it was.

Develop and connect

Long said the charity, which reported that it stopped doing business after 2000.

Religion brings

The most painful cuts, though, were those closest to home, in Tulsa. When Mr.

Our Blog

News and daily life lessons about religion and
politics, culture worldwide

26 Abr

"Muchas posibilidades de estrechar aún más los lazos entre la Delegación y Hermandades del Trabajo-Madrid". Esta ha sido una de las conclusiones de la...

21 Abr

De nuevo, llega nuestro Campamento Urbano de Verano. Este año tendremos un Campamento de Verano Artístico y Deportivo. Comenzamos con las inscripciones el...

20 Abr

El II Encuentro de Voluntarios de Hermandades del Trabajo-Madrid reunió a 30 voluntarios y 9 personas de HHT Madrid, en una jornada de convivencia y de...